#30 - Hu Xiaohui
60 x 60 centimeters
pigment print with facemount
edition of 6

"Niko de la Faye's Visages series offers a reflection on the role of the photographer plays in the exercise of portraiture. A portrait is the representation of the way the artist sees his or her model; with this representation painted directly on the face of the model, instead of being captured through the lens of the camera or depicted on a canvas, the photography comes in as the final layer in the sequence of representations."—Mur Nomade Gallery, Hong Kong



"I didn't need a canvas, and furthermore I was intrigued by the idea of adding shapes and colors to the existing landscape of the human face. I would also integrate living eyes within the canvas. This way I could give an interesting dimension to an image that would be a mix between painting and photography."—N.F.