answering, "You can tell it goodbye!"? Lucky
stiff, Rusty saw every round trip that Say Hey
Kid would poke. Those were the days. Is it
broken, Coach, forever now? First air, then
window screen, glass pane webbed with wire,
iron bars, rough simple Cross? De Quincey,
Thomas, famous English Opium Eater, arrested
and confessed, still ran up bills in debtors' jail.
Three months and your case comes up. I mean
your cast comes off. Why did Spring arrive
again? Her lost bird flew home yesterday? Well,
it's been a year. You touch that silver dial once
more I'll tell Uncle Mike. Already the cocker
chewed one jigsaw piece and two are missing
with several ivory dominoes. The bite taken
from the apple? That bastard switched car jacks
on you, knowing full well how cold Montana
gets? Young kids and Indians pass out and freeze
to death up north. Ha, colder than a well-digger's
ask, ha, ha, ha, as Langford used to rib for fun.
You sad he passed? Not much? He often wore
expensive handmade cowboy boots. My
Safeway shoes wore through today. Wharf
rats treading on the sinking Mayflower with
Bradford, John Alden and Priscilla, Miles
Standish in the wings? The water rises. Use
rolled cardboard to plug the holes. What gives?
You say Pluto's not a planet now? Wal-Mart
just bought the moon? High time! I don't get
high enough enough but Dr. Sam Johnson wrote
the dictionary and these short prayers save time.
Yes, Montague, "Aloha" means both, "Hello"
and "Goodbye," though no such word exists,
as yet, in English usage, or, for that matter, in
American, as we have learned most recently,
in our first presentation, if memory serves me